
The payment link shall be available soon.The registration is due within 10 days of  first acceptance.

For Indian Nationals (first/corresponding Indian author)
Early Bird Registration Fee                      : 7000 INR
Student Early Bird Registration Fee       :6000 INR
Regular Registration Fee                           : 7500 INR

For Foreign Nationals (first/corresponding Foreign author)
Early Bird Registration Fee                   : 110 USD 
Student Early Bird Registration Fee    : 90 USD INR
Regular Registration Fee                       : 150USD INR

Special discount for

  1. High quality papers (Authors with high Impact Factor/H factor,I factor )
  2. Conference TPC Members
  3. Conference Reviwers (with atleast 10 papers revied on time)
  4. Papers recommended by well known persons in related field.
  5. Others as decided by the conference committee

Registration includes

  1. Access to all conference sessions.
  2. Conference materials (one folder,Pen and session information).
  3. Coffee breaks, and a networking dinner.
  4. The conference proceedings shall be shred in online mode through email.